About Cosmetic Grade Peels

You might have age spots, freckles, or other discolouration you want to reduce. Or maybe you want to improve the appearance of acne scarring or large pores. If you just want a polish-up, we get that too. Our effective Cosmetic Grade Peels help repair and polish your skin with just one visit.

Our professional Cosmetic Grade Peels are a clinical treatment that applies a safe chemical solution to the skin’s surface. The peel penetrates into the layers of the skin and target cells that cause can treat a number of skin concerns including sun damage and aging, acne scarring, pigmentation, uneven skin tone and texture, redness, and rosacea, fine lines, and wrinkles.

قد يكون لديك بقع تقدم العمر ، أو نمش ، أو أي تغير آخر في اللون تريد تقليله. أو ربما ترغب في تحسين مظهر ندبات حب الشباب أو المسام الواسعة. إذا كنت تريد فقط تلميع ، فنحن نحصل عليه أيضًا. تساعد مقشراتنا التجميلية الفعالة في إصلاح وتلميع بشرتك في زيارة واحدة فقط.

التقشير التجميلي الاحترافي الخاص بنا هو علاج سريري يطبق محلول كيميائي آمن على سطح الجلد. يخترق التقشير طبقات الجلد ويستهدف الخلايا التي تسبب مشاكل الجلد بما في ذلك أضرار أشعة الشمس والشيخوخة وتندب حب الشباب والتصبغ وتفاوت لون البشرة وملمسها والاحمرار والوردية والخطوط الدقيقة والتجاعيد

Treatment Options

AHA Enzymatic Peel





The AHA Enzymatic Peel is a micro-exfoliating treatment designed to gently exfoliate, soothe and hydrate dry, flaking skin. It uses fruit enzymes to remove dead skin cells by breaking down the keratin formed in the upper layers of the skin. Partner this peel with our Hydrojelly™ Mask Duos to instantly cool and soothe skin.

التقشير الإنزيمي AHA هو علاج تقشير دقيق مصمم لتقشير البشرة بلطف وتهدئتها وترطيبها الجافة والمتقشرة. يستخدم إنزيمات الفاكهة لإزالة خلايا الجلد الميتة عن طريق تكسير الكيراتين المتكون في الطبقات العليا من الجلد. شارك في هذا التقشير مع Hydrojelly ™ Mask Duos لتهدئة البشرة وتهدئتها على الفور.


Peel Accelerator



Minimal/Slight Peeling


The Peel Accelerator is a combination of Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) and Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHA) which chemically exfoliates and resurfaces the skin’s upper layer. The Alpha Hydroxy Acids present such as Glycolic Acid and Lactic Acid helps accelerate the skin’s cell turnover rate to reduce hyperpigmentation and improve skin texture. Beta Hydroxy Acids such as Mandelic Acid help reduce oil production and acne present on the skin.

مسرع التقشير هو مزيج من أحماض ألفا هيدروكسي (AHA) وأحماض بيتا هيدروكسي (BHA) التي تقشر كيميائيًا وتعيد سطح الطبقة العليا من الجلد. تساعد أحماض ألفا هيدروكسي الموجودة مثل حمض الجليكوليك وحمض اللاكتيك على تسريع معدل دوران خلايا الجلد لتقليل فرط التصبغ وتحسين ملمس البشرة. تساعد أحماض بيتا هيدروكسي مثل حمض الماندليك على تقليل إنتاج الزيت وحب الشباب الموجود على الجلد.

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Ageless Peel



Minimal/Slight Peeling


Skin Needling

The Ageless Peel (also known as the retinoic-acid peel) is a medium superficial peel that contains Retinol which penetrates deep into the dermis layer of the skin to help neutralize free radicals and improves collagen production. This is an anti-ageing treatment that helps improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and can be used to treat stubborn acne and scarring.

Ageless Peelِِِِ (المعروف أيضًا باسم قشر حمض الريتينويك) هو مقشر سطحي متوسط ​​يحتوي على الريتينول الذي يتغلغل بعمق في طبقة الأدمة من الجلد للمساعدة في تحييد الجذور الحرة وتحسين إنتاج الكولاجين. هذا علاج مضاد للشيخوخة يساعد على تحسين مظهر الخطوط الدقيقة والتجاعيد ويمكن استخدامه لعلاج حب الشباب والندبات المستعصية.

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Purple Peel



Up to 14 days


The Purple Peel is an intensive skin peeling system designed to resurface the skin and promote skin regeneration. It contains a combination of AHAs such as Glycolic Acid and Lactic Acid and BHAS such as Salicylic and Mandelic Acid. This peel solution penetrates deeply into the skin to increase cell turnover and acts as a powerful resurfacer to target skin concerns such as stubborn pigmentation, acne and provides overall skin rejuvenation. To help with the speed of the healing process, we recommend a Yellow LED Light Therapy treatment 3 days post peel.

التقشير الأرجواني هو نظام تقشير مكثف للجلد مصمم لإعادة ظهور الجلد وتعزيز تجدده. يحتوي على مزيج من أحماض ألفا هيدروكسي مثل حمض الجليكوليك وحمض اللبنيك و BHAS مثل حمض الساليسيليك وحمض الماندليك. يتغلغل محلول التقشير هذا بعمق في الجلد لزيادة تجدد الخلايا ويعمل بمثابة مقشر قوي لاستهداف مشاكل البشرة مثل التصبغ العنيدة وحب الشباب ويوفر تجديد شباب البشرة بشكل عام. للمساعدة في سرعة عملية الشفاء ، نوصي بالعلاج بضوء LED الأصفر بعد 3 أيام من التقشير.

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Preparation and aftercare

AHA Enzymatic Peel
Perfect for individuals with sensitive skin, before main events (usually 48 hours prior) and maintenance in between other skin treatments. (all skin tones)
Peel Accelerator
Perfect for individuals with skin concerns such as hyperpigmentation, acne, superficial acne scarring, and congestion (all skin tones – with prep care)
Ageless Peel
Perfect for individuals who are concerned with ageing, stubborn pigmentation and scarring, and acne (all skin tones – with prep care)
Purple Peel
Perfect for individuals with cystic acne, stubborn pigmentation, and concerned with ageing (Only Fitzpatrick 1-3)
AHA Enzymatic Peel
Avoid direct sun exposure for at least 14 days prior to your appointment
No waxing, depilatory creams at least 14 days prior to your appointment
Avoid laser and skin treatments at least 14 days prior
Avoid exfoliators, acids, and any retinol or vitamin A-based products. at least 7 days prior
Peel Accelerator
Avoid direct sun exposure for at least 14 days prior to your appointment
No waxing, depilatory creams at least 14 days prior to your appointment
Avoid laser and skin treatments at least 14 days prior
Avoid exfoliators, acids, and any retinol or vitamin A-based products at least 7 days prior
Preparation is required for clients who are prone to hyperpigmentation or have medium to dark skin tones (Glycolic 12% Cleanser, Skinstitut Even Blend serum) for at least 4 weeks
Ageless Peel
Preparation is required for clients who are prone to hyperpigmentation or have medium to dark skin tones (Glycolic 12% Cleanser, Skinstitut Even Blend serum) for at least 4 weeks. Clients are required to use a Retinol serum at least 4 weeks prior to their appointment.
Purple Peel
Preparation is required for clients with active products (Glycolic 12% Cleanser, Skinstitut Even Blend Serum, Retinol) for at least 4 weeks (not suitable for medium to dark skin tones and prone to hyperpigmentation)
Avoid sun exposure for 2 weeks after your appointment
Don’t pick or pull at any loose skin peeling
No active/exfoliating products for at least 5 days after the treatment or until you stop peeling
No facial hair removal for at least 14 days (this includes waxing, depilatory cream, laser)
Only use gentle products including Gentle Cleanser, Multi-Activ Mist, Repair balm.
Apply SPF daily.
Avoid heat, water, or product application for 12 hours. Failure to do so may reactivate the peel and cause an adverse reaction.

Cosmetic Grade Peels Prices

Crystal Peel

600 LE now 500 LE

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Lumix Peel

700 LE now 600 LE

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Green peel Peel

800 LE now 650 LE

with after cream 1000 LE now 800 LE

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Meladeep Peel

1200 LE now 1000 LE

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Frequently Asked Questions

Depending on the skin type and concern, the number and strength of the Cosmetic Grade Peel treatment varies between individuals. Your experienced Therapist will assess your skin to provide a tailored treatment plan. For general maintenance, we recommend this treatment to be performed at monthly intervals.
Cosmetic Grade Peels contain active exfoliating ingredients and is not suitable for pregnant individuals. For clients who are breastfeeding, we advise you to seek medical advice prior to the treatment.
It depends on the strength of the Cosmetic Grade Peel and the individual skin type. For our AHA Enzymatic Peel, there is no downtime, and you may wear light mineral makeup directly after the treatment. For our Peel Accelerator and Ageless Peel treatments, there is minimal downtime and your Therapist will recommend you consistently reapply skinstitut Repair Balm for 3-5 days to aid the healing process. For the Purple Peel, there is downtime and you will experience redness, slight swelling, and flaking for at least 7-14 days. We recommend the LED Yellow Light Therapy together with the treatment to reduce the inflammation and accelerates wound healing.
Yes, Cosmetic Grade Peels can enhance the results achieved from our other treatments. Cosmetic Grade Peels help improve product penetration and promote regeneration of the skin’s surface layer. We recommend at least 4 week interval between treatments. Your Therapist will tailor the treatment plan to suit with any current treatment programs you may have.
Cosmetic Grade Peels can be performed on most parts of the body except the pubic and head area. The most common treatment areas are the face, back, chest and buttocks.
No. In some circumstances, you may not experience visible peeling. This depends on your skin’s condition at the time and/or the strength of the peel. You will still experience skin texture improvement due to the accelerated cell turnover rate the Cosmetic Grade Peel treatments produce.
This will depend on the type of peel used, the condition of the skin, medication taken and general health and well-being. Certain medications and health issues may be a contra indication to a chemical peel as they can increase adverse side effects. Redness, inflammation and mild to moderate peeling is usual for 1 – 5 days post peel. The stronger the peel, the more intense the redness, peeling and downtime.
The importance of preparation and aftercare is to ensure that you receive maximum results with minimal side effects to the treatments we offer. This includes our skin and laser treatments and can even be applied to cosmetic injections. For example, our 5 a-day home care pack has everything you need for before and after your treatments. We’ll tailor the 5 Skinsitut products based on your skin type and the treatments you opt for. Skinstitut is founded on the belief that serious, high- end skincare should be accessible to everyone. For this reason, we offer the most cost-effective, cosmedical range in-clinic using top-quality, potent, cutting-edge ingredients that will maximise and prolong treatment results whilst helping heal the skin post-treatment.
Each procedure is different – our less invasive treatments (such as Microdermabrasion and superficial Cosmedical Grade Peels) give more immediate results, and our more invasive treatments (such as Fractional RF Skin Needling and deeper Cosmedical Grade Peels) may take up to a month to see full results. These treatments, however, have more lasting impacts than our less invasive treatments. At your complimentary skin consultation, your Skin Therapist will advise on a tailored treatment plan.
Everyone’s skin is different and everyone will have different skin goals. At Laser Clinics, we truly love educating people about their skin. That’s why we offer FREE consultations to give you access to highly trained Skin Therapists that will arm you with all the information you need about the treatments that are best suited to you. And, through a personalised treatment plan, we’ll work together to help you achieve glowing skin. Our consultations are no obligation. So what have you got to lose?

Why choose us

Advanced Technology

التكنولوجيا المتقدمة

Using advanced technology and high-performance cosmeceutical skincare products our team highly-skilled team of Therapists is experienced in delivering best-in-class results.
باستخدام التكنولوجيا المتقدمة ومنتجات العناية بالبشرة التجميلية عالية الأداء ، يتمتع فريقنا ذو المهارات العالية من المعالجين بالخبرة في تقديم أفضل النتائج في فئتها
Experienced Team

فريق من ذوي الخبرة

Our highly-skilled and experienced team of Therapists are trained in the latest technology and operate the safest machinery.
تم تدريب فريق المعالجين لدينا من ذوي المهارات العالية والخبرة على أحدث التقنيات وتشغيل أكثر الآلات أمانًا
Best Results

أفضل النتائج

Whatever your skin concern, we have the experience, knowledge, and professional Skin Treatments to deliver the best results tailored to your skin goals.
مهما كانت مخاوف بشرتك ، لدينا الخبرة والمعرفة والعلاجات الاحترافية للبشرة لتقديم أفضل النتائج المصممة خصيصًا لأهداف بشرتك

Book a free Consultation

Get that glow. Professional Skin Treatments tailored to you.
Our highly-trained team of Therapists can help identify your concerns and tailor a treatment plan based on your skin goals.
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