About Skin Needling
Skin Needling can be performed in two ways. Dermal Rolling, using the cosmedical DNC derma roller or Micro-Needling, using the Wireless Tri-M Pen. Your Skin Therapist will advise which option is best for you and your skin goals.
Loved by beauty authorities around the world, this treatment involves applying a small roller made of tiny needles to the surface of the skin. The roller creates tiny puncture channels that encourage an organic collagen renewal and regeneration response.
This wound healing response is what stimulates new collagen and elastin formation which then assists with plumping out fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scarring. It also reduces the appearance of pigmentation, enlarged pores, and stretch marks.
يمكن إجراء إبرة الجلد بطريقتين. دحرجة الجلد ، باستخدام أسطوانة ديرما DNC التجميلية أو Micro-Needling ، باستخدام قلم Tri-M اللاسلكي. سينصح معالج الجلد الخاص بك بالخيار الأفضل لك ولأهداف بشرتك.
هذا العلاج محبوب من قبل هيئات التجميل في جميع أنحاء العالم ، ويتضمن هذا العلاج وضع أسطوانة صغيرة مصنوعة من إبر دقيقة على سطح الجلد. تخلق الأسطوانة قنوات ثقب صغيرة تشجع على تجديد الكولاجين العضوي واستجابة التجدد.
هذه الاستجابة لالتئام الجروح هي التي تحفز تكوين الكولاجين والإيلاستين الجديد الذي يساعد بعد ذلك في ملء الخطوط الدقيقة والتجاعيد وتندب حب الشباب. كما أنه يقلل من ظهور التصبغ وتضخم المسام وعلامات التمدد.
Preparation and aftercare
This treatment is not suitable for all skin types, clients are required to have a complimentary consultation prior to treatment to determine suitability. At your complimentary consultation, your therapist will create a tailored preparation plan based on your skin type. Adhering to your preparation plan is key to achieving optimum results from your Skin Needling treatment.
2 weeks prior to treatment:
•Avoid Laser Hair Removal, waxing, depilatory creams, and IPL treatments on the face
• Avoid Cosmetic Grade Peels
• Avoid Cosmetic Injectables
• Avoid sun exposure, always wear SPF
• For clients with medium to dark skin tones or prone to hyperpigmentation, we advise you to prep the skin with a melanin inhibitor such as the skinstitut Even Blend serum. This will help reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation after the treatment.
1 week prior to treatment:
• Avoid exfoliating products such as Retin-A and exfoliating acids
•For clients with medium to dark skin tones or prone to hyperpigmentation, we advise you to prep the skin with a melanin inhibitor such as the skinstitut Even Blend serum. This will help reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation after the treatment.
Any redness and irritation will subside within 3-4 hours. For the first 48 hours, avoid excessive sun exposure, hot showers, and saunas, strenuous exercise.
Avoid swimming or strenuous exercises at least for the next 24-48 hours.
Use correct aftercare including gentle hydrating products such as the skinstitut Gentle Cleanser, Normal Moisturiser, Rejuvenate 15 serum (contains copper peptides which can help accelerate wound healing).
Avoid active/exfoliating products for the next 5-7 days after the treatment.
Don’t pull or pick any loose skin after the treatment.
For optimum results, we recommend a total course of 4-6 treatments with each treatment spaced monthly.
Top tip:
Team Skin Needling with Yellow LED Light Therapy to accelerate the healing process. By adding the Yellow LED Light Therapy treatment to your Skin Needling session, you will energise the cells so they function at full potential. This further stimulates the production of collagen and elastin and leaves the skin more radiant and youthful.
The mineral-rich skinstitut Rejuvenate Serum is a perfect product to help maintain results. It is designed to accelerate skin renewal and increase skin firmness and elasticity.
Skin Needling Pricing
Complimentary consultations may be required for new customers with some treatments.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. Skin Needling promotes the production of collagen and it’s this collagen production that builds the tissue within the stretch marks back up. The result is that the stretch mark and acne scarring indentation is reduced and so does the colour of these scars, in some cases making them disappear completely.
We treat all areas of the body including; the face, neck, back, breasts, decolletage, hips, stomach and hands.
Each person’s skin is different – so your response will vary, but the majority of our skin treatments require no downtime. Your Skin Therapist will take you through a post-treatment care regime that will fast-track your results.
Skin Needling and Fractional RF are similar in the sense they both cause a controlled wound which then triggers a healing response where new collagen and elastin fibres are produced. Skin Needling is an organic way of stimulating Collagen and Elastin production whereas Fractional RF uses a combination of dermal stamping and Radio Frequency. Radio Frequency uses deep thermal effects which result in contraction of the collagen fibres. This will give a tightening effect after the treatment.
Both treatments have minimal discomfort due to the application of a topical aesthetic prior to the treatment.
Everyone’s skin is different and everyone will have different skin goals. At Laser Clinics, we truly love educating people about their skin. That’s why we offer FREE consultations to give you access to highly trained Skin Therapists that will arm you with all the information you need about the treatments that are best suited to you. And, through a personalised treatment plan, we’ll work together to help you achieve glowing skin. Our consultations are no obligation. So what have you got to lose?
Why choose us
Advanced Technology
التكنولوجيا المتقدمة
Using advanced technology and high-performance cosmeceutical skincare products our team highly-skilled team of Therapists is experienced in delivering best-in-class results.
باستخدام التكنولوجيا المتقدمة ومنتجات العناية بالبشرة التجميلية عالية الأداء ، يتمتع فريقنا ذو المهارات العالية من المعالجين بالخبرة في تقديم أفضل النتائج في فئتها
Experienced Team
فريق من ذوي الخبرة
Our highly-skilled and experienced team of Therapists are trained in the latest technology and operate the safest machinery.
تم تدريب فريق المعالجين لدينا من ذوي المهارات العالية والخبرة على أحدث التقنيات وتشغيل أكثر الآلات أمانًا
Best Results
أفضل النتائج