Anti-Wrinkle vs. Dermal Filler
What are Anti-Wrinkle and Dermal Filler Cosmetic Injectable treatments and what can they do for you? Our Dr. ************** explains the difference between the two, the benefits of each, and the common treatment areas.
Our Medical Team of Doctors and Registered Nurses will provide a tailored treatment plan to you. We deliver more treatments and the best results.
مضاد التجاعيد مقابل الفيلر الجلدي
ما هي علاجات الحقن التجميلية المضادة للتجاعيد والحشو الجلدي وماذا يمكن أن تفعل من أجلك؟ يشرح الدكتور ************** الفرق بين الاثنين وفوائد كل منهما ومجالات العلاج المشتركة.
وسيوفر لك فريقنا الطبي من الأطباء والممرضات المسجلين خطة علاج مخصصة لك نقدم المزيد من العلاجات وأفضل النتائج.
Benefits of Dermal Fillers
فوائد الحشوات الجلدية
Immediate Results
Dermal filler immediately adds volume and smooths out wrinkles and creases to the targeted area. As the filler settles under the skin, the full effect is visible in a matter of days.
نتائج فورية
يضيف الفيلر الحجم على الفور وينعم التجاعيد والتجاعيد في المنطقة المستهدفة. عندما يستقر الفيلر تحت الجلد ، يظهر التأثير الكامل في غضون أيام.
Shape & Symmetry
Dermal fillers are a non-surgical option to reshape areas such as the chin, jawline, or lips. Dermal filler treatments can be tailored to achieve subtle enhancements to your natural facial shape, even out the texture by filling in lines and create symmetry.
الشكل والتماثل
الحشوات الجلدية هي خيار غير جراحي لإعادة تشكيل مناطق مثل الذقن أو خط الفك أو الشفاه. يمكن تصميم علاجات الفيلر لتحقيق تحسينات طفيفة لشكل وجهك الطبيعي ، حتى خارج الملمس عن طريق ملء الخطوط وخلق تناسق.
Create Volume & Fullness
Made from a natural sugar already present in the human body – our dermal fillers are an affordable way to replicate the function of this naturally occurring substance and can restore fullness and volume in numerous facial areas.
خلق الحجم والامتلاء
مصنوعة من السكر الطبيعي الموجود بالفعل في جسم الإنسان - حشوات الجلد لدينا هي وسيلة ميسورة التكلفة لتكرار وظيفة هذه المادة التي تحدث بشكل طبيعي ويمكنها استعادة الامتلاء والحجم في العديد من مناطق الوجه.
Long Lasting
Dermal Fillers can last up to three to six months and in some cases longer depending on how fast the body metabolizes the product.
طويلة الأمد
يمكن أن تستمر الحشوات الجلدية لمدة تصل إلى ثلاثة إلى ستة أشهر وفي بعض الحالات لفترة أطول اعتمادًا على مدى سرعة استقلاب الجسم للمنتج.
Using market-leading Cosmetic Injectable products, we produce high-quality results that embrace and enhance natural beauty.
باستخدام منتجات الحقن التجميلية الرائدة في السوق ، ننتج نتائج عالية الجودة تحتضن الجمال الطبيعي وتعززه.
Medical Team
Our Medical Team has performed over half a million treatments in different clinics, we deliver more treatments and the best results.
الفريق الطبي
أجرى فريقنا الطبي أكثر من نصف مليون علاج في عيادات مختلفة ، ونقدم المزيد من العلاجات وأفضل النتائج.
How it works
As we age, we start to lose volume in certain areas of the face which can make us look tired and sunken. This is caused by the body’s decreased ability to produce collagen and elastin.
Unlike wrinkles which require muscle relaxants to soften them, facial volume and folds require a dermal filler to help re-volumise and hydrate the area.
Made from a natural sugar already present in the human body – our dermal fillers are an affordable way to replicate the function of this naturally occurring substance and can restore fullness and volume in numerous facial areas.
Made from a natural sugar already present in the human body – our dermal fillers are an affordable way to replicate the function of this naturally occurring substance and can restore fullness and volume in numerous facial areas.
Side Effects
The most common side effects occur within 24 hours or immediately post-treatment. These include swelling, bruising, redness, and tenderness.
Immediate side effects usually disappear within days. However, depending on the type of Dermal Filler used, it can take a few weeks.
Next Steps
We encourage a complimentary follow-up appointment 2 weeks post-treatment to discuss your tailored treatment results.
Our Dermal Fillers prices and packages
We recommend a complimentary consultation with one of our Registered Nurses or Doctors to advise you on the appropriate product and pricing based on your tailored needs.
أسعار وعبوات الحشو الجلدي لدينا
نوصي باستشارة مجانية مع أحد الممرضات أو الأطباء المسجلين لدينا لتقديم المشورة لك بشأن المنتج المناسب والأسعار بناءً على احتياجاتك المخصصة.
Ultra Thin
Lips to Love
Wrinkle Treatment 2 Areas
Wrinkle Treatment 3 Areas
Wrinkle Treatment and Dermal Fillers
Cheeky Cheeks Dermal Filler
Hyperhidrosis (Underarm Sweating)
Cheeks and Lips
Tailored Results
Over a half a million treatments have been performed by our highly trained Registered Nurses and Doctors.
نتائج مخصصة
تم إجراء أكثر من نصف مليون علاج من قبل الممرضات والأطباء المسجلين المدربين تدريباً عالياً.
Leading in standards and technology
Our team is trained in most advanced inject training:
- Laser Clinics has a Medical Advisory Committee made up of leading Dermatologists and a Medical Director, who is at the forefront of innovation, new technology, and ethical standards.
- Laser Clinics has a Nurse Council, to ensure that all Nursing standards, codes, and guidelines are adhered to
الريادة في المعايير والتكنولوجيا
تم تدريب فريقنا في أكثر تدريبات الحقن تقدمًا:
عيادات الليزر لديها لجنة استشارية طبية مكونة من أطباء الجلد الرائدين ومدير طبي ، وهو في طليعة الابتكار والتكنولوجيا الجديدة والمعايير الأخلاقية.
يوجد في عيادات الليزر مجلس تمريض لضمان الالتزام بجميع معايير وقواعد وإرشادات التمريض

Frequently Asked Questions
For Cosmetic Injectable treatments, we advise you to wait a minimum of 7 days before or after receiving any vaccination.
If you have any concerns, we advise you to seek medical advice prior to your treatment.
Unlike dermal fillers, HydroGlow does not add volume or structure to the skin – they work in more subtle ways to improve the overall skin balance and ‘boost’ the appearance of the skin. HydroGlow will not change the structure of your face like Dermal Fillers. They hydrate and rejuvenate resulting in a glow to the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines while improving skin tone and texture.
Dermal Fillers can last up to three to six months and in some cases longer depending on how fast the body metabolises the product. Lips are a high activity area as we use them all the time, this can impact how long the results will last.
The most common side effects occur within 24 hours or immediately post-treatment. These include swelling, bruising, redness, and tenderness.
Immediate side effects usually disappear within days. However, depending on the type of Dermal Filler used, it can take a few weeks. At Laser Clinics Australia we strongly encourage a review appointment which is complimentary 2 weeks post-treatment to discuss your treatment results.
Dermal Fillers feel like a slight pinch, and you may experience slight pressure or a ‘stinging’ sensation as the product is being injected. pain is such a personal and subjective thing. it all depends on your tolerance and on the treatment area.
For legal reasons, we are unable to publish the brand names of prescription medicines such as Dermal Filler. As Australia's largest network of clinics, we only use market-leading brands. At your complimentary consultation, your Cosmetic Injector can freely talk about the options available to you.
We do not offer to dissolve Filler if you were treated outside of our network of clinics. If you wish to dissolve Filler you received at Laser Clinics, you must book a review with your Cosmetic Injector.
Avoid vigorous physical activity or any large intakes of alcohol for 24 hours as this increases the risk of bruising. Aspirin and Vitamin E should not be taken one week before the treatment.
As with any Laser Clinics Australia treatment, our Dermal Filler Cosmetic Injectable treatments come with important after-care recommendations in order to achieve the best results. Our experienced medical team share their post-treatment advice:
- Remain upright for four hours following your treatment and avoid lying down while the product settles into place.
- Avoid any Skin Treatments like Microdermabrasion, Skin Needling, or Dermal Rolling for two weeks after Dermal Fillers
- Avoid active skincare products such as Retinol for at least 5 days after the treatment.
- Avoid alcohol and painkillers such as ibuprofen before and after treatment as they tend to thin the blood and can make you prone to bruising.
- Do not exercise for 24 hours after your treatment and avoid any exercise that involves inverted poses (e.g. yoga, pilates, barre, etc) and provoke sweating as the Dermal Filler is settling into place.
- Avoid exposing your skin to excessive heat or cold including saunas, spas, steam rooms, hot yoga, ice baths, or skiing. Changes in temperature can lead you to touch or rub your face more which can put unwanted pressure on the treated muscles, risking dispersion of the protein into unwanted areas.
- Avoid massaging or applying pressure to the face which can affect how the product settles in a particular area. When cleansing the skin and applying skincare and makeup, only use gentle strokes.
No. While Dermal Fillers do stretch the skin slightly to fill into the tissues, it does not have a lasting effect on the skin itself. Your skin will return to its original state when the product metabolises.
Avoid international travel for 2 weeks post-treatment. The prolonged cabin air pressure can cause unpredictable swelling and bruising.
Why choose us
Advanced Technology
التكنولوجيا المتقدمة
Using advanced technology and high-performance cosmeceutical skincare products our team highly-skilled team of Therapists is experienced in delivering best-in-class results.
باستخدام التكنولوجيا المتقدمة ومنتجات العناية بالبشرة التجميلية عالية الأداء ، يتمتع فريقنا ذو المهارات العالية من المعالجين بالخبرة في تقديم أفضل النتائج في فئتها
Experienced Team
فريق من ذوي الخبرة
Our highly-skilled and experienced team of Therapists are trained in the latest technology and operate the safest machinery.
تم تدريب فريق المعالجين لدينا من ذوي المهارات العالية والخبرة على أحدث التقنيات وتشغيل أكثر الآلات أمانًا
Best Results
أفضل النتائج