About Expert Firming Facial

This package offers 3 services in 1 treatment – 5-Step Custom Microdermabrasion, LED Light Therapy, and Expert Revitalise Hyaluronic Jelly Mask. Using the new Expert skincare by Skinstitut this treatment addresses multiple signs of ageing and will leave your skin feeling firmer and looking younger.
The treatment starts with a 5-Step Custom Microdermabrasion that gently exfoliates to remove dead skin cells and encourage cell turnover. By buffing away the uppermost layer, we break down the barrier that often prevents your current skincare products from properly absorbing into the lower dermis.
The skin’s upper layer is also home to blemishes, fine lines, and wrinkles so our Microdermabrasion works to rejuvenate and alleviate the visible signs of congestion.
Next is a Yellow LED Light Therapy treatment that offers total skin rejuvenation. Working at a cellular level, this treatment encourages the healing process soothe your skin.
We finish with the Expert Revitalise Hyaluronic Jelly Mask which helps to firm and rehydrate skin while boosting elasticity and radiance. Contains peptides, this mask also effectively target visible fine lines and wrinkles.
تقدم هذه الحزمة 3 خدمات في علاج واحد – تقشير جلدي مخصص من 5 خطوات ، علاج بضوء LED ، وماسك جل الهيالورونيك المنعش الخبير. باستخدام مستحضر العناية الجديد للعناية بالبشرة من سكين ستيت ، يعالج هذا العلاج العديد من علامات الشيخوخة ويترك بشرتك أكثر حزماً وتبدو أصغر سناً.
يبدأ العلاج بتقشير دقيق للجلد من 5 خطوات يقوم بتقشير البشرة بلطف لإزالة خلايا الجلد الميتة وتشجيع تجدد الخلايا. من خلال تلميع الطبقة العلوية ، نكسر الحاجز الذي يمنع غالبًا منتجات العناية بالبشرة الحالية من الامتصاص بشكل صحيح في الأدمة السفلية.
تعتبر الطبقة العلوية من الجلد أيضًا موطنًا للشوائب والخطوط الدقيقة والتجاعيد ، لذا تعمل تقنية Microdermabrasion على تجديد وتخفيف علامات الاحتقان المرئية.
التالي هو العلاج بالضوء الأصفر LED الذي يوفر تجديدًا كاملاً للبشرة. يعمل هذا العلاج على المستوى الخلوي ، ويشجع عملية الشفاء وتهدئة بشرتك.
ننتهي مع ماسك جل الهيالورونيك الخبير الذي يساعد على شد البشرة وترطيبها مع تعزيز المرونة والإشراق. يحتوي هذا القناع على الببتيدات ، ويستهدف بشكل فعال الخطوط الدقيقة والتجاعيد المرئية.
Preparation and aftercare
2 weeks prior to treatment:
• No Cosmetic Injectable treatments
• No Cosmetic Grade Peel Skin Treatments
• Avoid excess direct sun exposure
• No waxing or Laser Hair Removal/IPL treatments on the face
1 week prior to treatment:
• No depilatory use on face
3 days prior to treatment:
• Stop using active ingredients on the skin
2 weeks post-treatment:
No Cosmetic Injectable treatments
• No waxing or Laser Hair Removal/IPL treatments on the face
1-week post-treatment:
No depilatory use on the faceThe Expert Firming Facial is safe and effective. Any redness, temporary flaking, or mild discolouration will disappear after your treatment and can be covered with a light layer of mineral makeup. Avoid exfoliating the treatment area for at least 5 days after the treatment.
To enhance your results, boost your skin’s hydration with Skinstitut Expert Skin-Firming Peptide Serum and Niacinamide Cream.
For optimum results, we recommend 4 treatments at fortnightly or monthly intervals. Maintenance treatments will be required to upkeep results.
Top Tip:
To boost your results, team our the Expert Firming Facial with a tailored skinstitut Expert skincare plan.

Frequently Asked Questions
You can expect an immediate result and improvements in your skin tone and texture. This is the perfect treatment before an event as it requires no downtime.
We offer crystal-free Diamond Microdermabrasion at our clinics. This type of Microdermabrasion is a superior technology, non-irritating, and safe for all skin types. For optimum hygiene, Diamond-encrusted tips are disposed of after every individual use.
Depending on your skin type and condition, the treatments required may vary. Your Skin Therapist will assess the treatment area and provide a tailored program for you. Generally, we recommend a minimum of 6 treatments at fortnightly or monthly intervals. Maintenance treatments will be required to upkeep results.
There is no downtime for this treatment. You may experience slight redness after the treatment but this usually subsides within 24 hours. We recommend the Yellow LED Light Therapy after this treatment to help reduce the redness and provide anti-ageing benefits. Light mineral makeup can be applied directly after the treatment.
We provide Microdermabrasions for the face, decolletage, neck, back, upper arms and back of hands.
Why choose us
Advanced Technology
التكنولوجيا المتقدمة
Using advanced technology and high-performance cosmeceutical skincare products our team highly-skilled team of Therapists is experienced in delivering best-in-class results.
باستخدام التكنولوجيا المتقدمة ومنتجات العناية بالبشرة التجميلية عالية الأداء ، يتمتع فريقنا ذو المهارات العالية من المعالجين بالخبرة في تقديم أفضل النتائج في فئتها
Experienced Team
فريق من ذوي الخبرة
Our highly-skilled and experienced team of Therapists are trained in the latest technology and operate the safest machinery.
تم تدريب فريق المعالجين لدينا من ذوي المهارات العالية والخبرة على أحدث التقنيات وتشغيل أكثر الآلات أمانًا
Best Results
أفضل النتائج