About Kleresca®

Previously only available at Dermatologists, Kleresca® creates fluorescent light energy to heal your skin at a cellular level[1]. This non-invasive, scientifically documented technology delivers long-lasting clinic results with little to no downtime[1].
Kleresca® is a non-invasive, biophotonic treatment that uses fluorescent light energy (FLE) to stimulate the skin’s repair mechanisms by penetrating the different layers of the skin.
Inspired by photosynthesis, this innovative treatment involves the interaction between Kleresca® Light Therapy and a specifically designed gel. The chromophores in the gel convert the Kleresca® Light into fluorescent light energy which penetrates the skin at a cellular level to activate the skin’s healing responses.
كان Kleresca® متوفرًا في السابق فقط لدى أطباء الأمراض الجلدية ، حيث ينتج طاقة ضوئية فلورية لشفاء بشرتك على المستوى الخلوي [1]. توفر هذه التقنية غير الغازية والموثقة علميًا نتائج طويلة الأمد في العيادة مع فترة نقاهة قليلة أو معدومة [1].
Kleresca® هو علاج بيوفوتوني غير جراحي يستخدم طاقة ضوء الفلورسنت (FLE) لتحفيز آليات إصلاح الجلد من خلال اختراق طبقات الجلد المختلفة.
مستوحى من التمثيل الضوئي ، يتضمن هذا العلاج المبتكر التفاعل بين Kleresca® Light Therapy وجل مصمم خصيصًا. تقوم الكروموفورات الموجودة في الجل بتحويل Kleresca® Light إلى طاقة ضوئية فلورية تخترق الجلد على المستوى الخلوي لتنشيط استجابات شفاء الجلد.
Kleresca® Acne

A gentle, non-systemic alternative to drugs and invasive procedures, Kleresca® Acne Treatment is painless and provides high efficacy and safety, stimulating the skin’s own repair mechanisms. The result is a reduction in pimples, redness, and painful, inflamed areas leaving your skin balanced, de-stressed, and smooth. We recommend an initial package of 12 treatments.
يعتبر Kleresca® Acne Treatment بديلاً لطيفًا وغير منهجي للأدوية والإجراءات الغازية ، وهو غير مؤلم ويوفر فعالية وأمان عاليين ، مما يحفز آليات الإصلاح الخاصة بالجلد. والنتيجة هي تقليل البثور والاحمرار والمناطق المؤلمة والملتهبة مما يترك بشرتك متوازنة وخالية من الإجهاد وناعمة. نوصي باستخدام حزمة أولية من 12 علاجًا.

Kleresca® Rejuvenation Treatment naturally improves your complexion and skin texture, without causing trauma to the skin. Instead of targeting the surface layer of the skin, Kleresca® penetrates at a cellular level to induce collagen production by up to 400%[1], reduce pore size and fine lines, and improve overall skin texture and glow. We recommend a course of 4 or more treatments.
Kleresca® Rejuvenation Treatment يحسن بشكل طبيعي بشرتك وملمسها ، دون التسبب في إصابة الجلد. بدلاً من استهداف الطبقة السطحية من الجلد ، يخترق Kleresca® على المستوى الخلوي للحث على إنتاج الكولاجين بنسبة تصل إلى 400٪ [1] ، وتقليل حجم المسام والخطوط الدقيقة ، وتحسين ملمس البشرة وإشراقها بشكل عام. نوصي بدورة من 4 علاجات أو أكثر.
Kleresca® Rosacea

Kleresca® Rosacea Treatment settles Rosacea subtypes 1, 2 & 3. This unique treatment uses fluorescent light energy to effectively reduce the inflammation underlying rosacea, calming redness, acne rosacea, and skin changes. We recommend a course of 4-6 treatments.
علاج Kleresca® Rosacea يستقر الأنواع الفرعية للوردية 1 و 2 و 3. يستخدم هذا العلاج الفريد طاقة ضوء الفلورسنت لتقليل الالتهاب الكامن وراء العد الوردي بشكل فعال ، والاحمرار المهدئ ، وحب الشباب الوردية ، وتغيرات الجلد. نوصي بدورة من 4-6 علاجات.
Preparation and aftercare
You need to avoid high-intensity products for 12 hours prior to your Kleresca® treatment. These include
Glycolic Cleanser 12%
L-Lactic Cleanser
Glycolic Scrub 14%
Even Blend Serum
Vitamin C 100%
Retinol Serum
Any other skincare product that contains alpha or beta hydroxy acids and retinol.
Remember to avoid excessive sun exposure prior to your treatment.
Following your treatment it is important you avoid excessive sun exposure and continue to wear your broad-spectrum SPF50+ (Skinstitut Age Defence SFP50+).
Depending on your condition treated your therapist will tailor your home care regime to ensure you achieve a better result from your treatments. Please follow the product prescription provided by your therapist.
Kleresca offers long-lasting results across Acne, Rosacea, and Rejuvenation treatments. You can expect to enjoy your results 6 months to 1-year post-treatment.
Kleresca® Acne Treatment
We recommend an initial package of 12 treatments. Clinical trials show best results are two treatments per week for six weeks (a full course is 12 treatments), but we are able to ‘stack’ treatments and administer two treatments – one after the other, on the same day, therefore only needing one treatment per week
Kleresca® Rejuvenation Treatment
We recommend a course of 4 or more treatments.
Kleresca® Rosacea Treatment
We recommend a course of 4-6 treatments.
Acne, Rosacea and Skin Rejuvenation with Dermatologist grade technology.

Find out more about how Kleresca® can address Acne, Rosacea and improve the quality of your skin.
Tailored Skin Results
Over a half a million treatments have been performed by our highly trained therapists..

Kleresca® Pricing
Complimentary consultations may be required for new customers with some treatments.
قد تكون هناك حاجة إلى استشارات مجانية للعملاء الجدد مع بعض العلاجات.
Frequently Asked Questions
Kleresca® skin treatments are gentle and comfortable. The innovative biophotonic platform creates a mode of action unique in the field of dermatology.
The Kleresca® biophotonic platform offers non-invasive treatments for both therapeutic and aesthetic conditions using fluorescent light energy to stimulate the skin’s own biological processes and repair mechanisms.
Temporary side effects – seen in some clients – are all non-permanent and may include redness, swelling and hyperpigmentation (bronzing of an area of the skin).
Side effects impact patients differently depending on skin type, so we always recommend talking to your therapist before beginning treatment.
Results will vary depending on the treatment you are having as well as your skin condition.
In general, clients treated for acne with Kleresca® Acne Treatment should see noticeable improvements in their skin during the last weeks that the treatment takes place. These improvements should also continue for months after the treatment has stopped. That’s due to the activation of the deeper layers of the skin with the repairing continuing after the treatment has ended.
For Kleresca® Skin rejuvenation, some patients have seen an improvement after just a single treatment, but results will vary from individual to individual. However, thanks to the way Kleresca® Skin Rejuvenation boosts collagen production, improvements will continue even after the full course of four treatments has been completed.
For Kleresca® Rosacea Treatment, some patients have seen an improvement after just a single treatment, but results will vary from individual to individuals. They should see noticeable improvements in their skin during the last weeks of the treatment and these improvements should also continue for months after the treatment has stopped.
Results will last differently depending on the treatment you are having as well as your skin condition.
For Kleresca® Acne Treatment, after finishing the treatment, the already normalised skin continues working and you can expect to see additional improvements to your complexion for months after the treatment has stopped. Persistence of efficacy has been demonstrated for at least 6 months. Experience from current clinics using Kleresca® Acne Treatment show that persistence can last for at least a year.
For Kleresca® Skin Rejuvenation you should experience long-lasting, noticeable improvements to your skin as multiple layers respond to the treatment. The skin repair process has been documented to continue even after the treatment has ended. Results will differ from patient to patient depending on skin quality and if the treatment is administered in combination with other techniques.
For Kleresca® Rosacea Treatment we have seen that the skin repair process has been documented to continue even after the treatment has ended. Patients should experience long-lasting improvements in their skin.
Due to the high safety profile of the treatment, many candidates may benefit from the Kleresca® treatments.
We recommend you to visit your clinic where they will evaluate your skin condition and will determine if Kleresca® is a good treatment for you.
We do not recommend Kleresca® treatments while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Being non-invasive, Kleresca® treatments can be combined with other treatments. We recommend you talk with your clinic to find out what is the best treatment plan for you.
Kleresca® biophotonic platform offers a non-invasive treatment that uses fluorescent light energy. The treatment doesn’t cause destruction to the skin but acts by stimulating your skin’s own repair mechanisms.
Kleresca® biophotonic treatments differ from other light treatments due to its unique mode of action, using fluorescent light energy that stimulates your skin at a cellular level.
The Kleresca® biophotonic system consists of a patented, multi-LED Kleresca® lamp designed with specific, pre-programmed wavelength settings and a specially formulated photoconverter gel.
Chromophores in the gel convert light waves from the lamp into fluorescent light energy that stimulates the skin’s own repair mechanisms.
The treatment is performed in the following three steps:
The skin is cleaned and Kleresca® Photoconverter Gel is applied.
The gel is illuminated for nine minutes using the multi-LED Kleresca® lamp; fluorescent light energy is created stimulating the skin’s own repair mechanisms.
The gel is removed, the skin is cleansed followed by an application of correcting serums and moisturising SPF50+.
Kleresca® treatments can be done all year around, even in summer. The treatments are well-tolerated and have little to no-downtime.
Ask your clinic about the possible side effects since they might vary depending on your skin type and condition.
Kleresca® is a non-invasive biophotonic treatment, with little to no-downtime. It can be alternated with other treatments, though certain timing intervals apply. Your therapist will recommend a treatment plan suitable for your skin condition.
The use of Kleresca® biophotonic treatments is not recommended in the following situations:
Patients taking drugs or products (e.g. retinoids) or with conditions (e.g. porphyria) known to induce photosensitive reaction.
Patients with known skin hypersensitivity
Ask your clinic for more about combination with other treatments.
Clients that have the treatments generally describe it as pleasant and comfortable. They mention a warm and tingling sensation while they are under the lamp.
The treatment is non-invasive and non-destructive, and it doesn’t cause any harm to the skin tissue. The treatment acts by inducing the skin’s own healing mechanisms.
The number of treatments will vary depending on the condition you are treating:
Acne: 12 treatments for the initial course. Maintenance/booster treatments can then be discussed with your therapist if needed.
Rosacea: 4 – 6 treatments depending on your severity, as recommended by your therapist.
Rejuvenate: 4 treatments for the initial course. Maintenance/booster treatments can then be discussed with your therapist if needed.
Kleresca® biophotonic treatments are non-invasive and have limited to no-downtime.
Side effects seen in those treated include, redness, hyperpigmentation (bronzing of an area of the skin) and slight discoloration of hair in some cases where the gel was applied covering facial hair. All side effects were transient and did not require any intervention by the clinic.
Side effects impact patients differently depending on skin type, so we always recommend talking to your clinician before beginning the treatment.
Side effect overview:
Redness which can last from 1 to 24 hours
Bronzing which can last from 1 to 24 hours
Pigmentary lesions (freckles, melasma or age spots) can get darker during the total duration of the treatment. They can last for 2 weeks to 2 months after the treatment is finalised.
Optimal results can be seen at week 12 to 18 from the start of your treatment.
You need to avoid high intensity products for 12 hours prior to your Kleresca® treatment. These include
Glycolic Cleanser 12%
L-Lactic Cleanser
Glycolic Scrub 14%
Even Blend Serum
Vitamin C 100%
Retinol Serum
Any other skincare product that contains alpha or beta hydroxy acids and retinol.
Remember to avoid excessive sun exposure prior to your treatment also.
Kleresca® biophotonic treatments are done using a specific Kleresca® Photoconverter Gel for the indication to be treated together with the Kleresca® Light. The gel is non-invasive, and it is applied on the target skin area, which is then illuminated with the Kleresca® Light, generating fluorescent light energy.
One of the ingredients in the gel are the chromophores, which are the particles responsible for converting the blue light from the lamp into fluorescent light energy.
Kleresca® is a scientifically proven technology with different scientific papers published that explain its high efficacy and efficiency. Side effects, seen in some patients, are all non-permanent and they have not required the intervention rom the treating physician.
Why choose us
Advanced Technology
التكنولوجيا المتقدمة
Using advanced technology and high-performance cosmeceutical skincare products our team highly-skilled team of Therapists is experienced in delivering best-in-class results.
باستخدام التكنولوجيا المتقدمة ومنتجات العناية بالبشرة التجميلية عالية الأداء ، يتمتع فريقنا ذو المهارات العالية من المعالجين بالخبرة في تقديم أفضل النتائج في فئتها
Experienced Team
فريق من ذوي الخبرة
Our highly-skilled and experienced team of Therapists are trained in the latest technology and operate the safest machinery.
تم تدريب فريق المعالجين لدينا من ذوي المهارات العالية والخبرة على أحدث التقنيات وتشغيل أكثر الآلات أمانًا
Best Results
أفضل النتائج