About Pigmentation Reduction & Removal

Safe & Effective Technology
At Laser Clinics we use state-of-the-art Cynosure lasers to perform the treatment and are experienced in the reduction of superficial pigmentation delivering fantastic results.
How it Works
Laser Pigmentation Removal works to safely and effectively reduce the appearance of freckles, pigmentation, and age spots. The laser targets only the pigmented lesion in the skin which absorbs the light, without damaging the surrounding skin. The laser heats up and shatters the pigment. The pigment is then drawn to the surface without harming the surrounding tissue.
Once drawn to the surface, the pigmented lesions will fade or dry and flake off the treated area, leaving the skin with an even tone and complexion.
تقنية آمنة وفعالة
فى عيادات الليزر نستخدم أحدث أجهزة لزر سينوشور ولدينا خبره فى الحد من
التصبغ السطحى مما يوءدى إلى نتائج رائعه
كيف تعمل
تعمل إزالة التصبغ بالليزر على تقليل ظهور النمش والتصبغ والبقع العمرية بشكل آمن وفعال. يستهدف الليزر فقط الآفة المصطبغة في الجلد والتي تمتص الضوء دون الإضرار بالجلد المحيط. يسخن الليزر ويحطم الصباغ. ثم يتم سحب الصبغة إلى السطح دون الإضرار بالأنسجة المحيطة.
بمجرد سحبها إلى السطح ، تتلاشى الآفات المصطبغة أو تجف وتتقشر من المنطقة المعالجة ، تاركة الجلد بلون وبشرة متساوية
Preparation and aftercare
2 weeks prior to treatment:
– Avoid direct sun exposure and use of Skinstitut Age Defence SPF 50+ sunscreen.
– Avoid Laser, IPL, and Skin Needling/Cosmetic Grade Peels
– Avoid electrolysis, facial waxing, and depilatory use
– Fake tan, solarium, or tanning drugs such as Melanotan
1 week prior to treatment:
– Avoid prescription topical Vitamin A or Hydroquinone
Due to state government regulations, the following prerequisites apply for clients in QLD, WAS & TAS:
– Consultation is required before booking a treatment to determine suitability/expectations.
– Client must have a skin check with a doctor prior to treatment to ensure there are no abnormal lesions.
– A clearance letter needs to be obtained from the Doctor and provided to the clinic prior to treatment, during the Laser Clinics consultation.
– Use your skinstitut aftercare pack, as prescribed by your Therapist
– Avoid direct sun exposure for 7 days and wear skinsitut SPF 50+ before going outside
– Avoid strenuous exercise or anything that may cause excessive perspiration including saunas, spas, and steam rooms within the first 1-2 days.
– Avoid direct heat (including hair dryers and very hot showers) within the first 1-2 days
– Avoid picking or pulling any loose or exfoliating skin.
– Avoid exfoliating your skin for the first 1-2 week after treatment
– Avoid using any active or high-intensity skincare products for the first 5 days
– Avoid electrolysis, facial waxing, and depilatory use
Note, any Pigmentation Removal Treatment that uses medical grade lasers can expect a mild discolouration of pigment before it heals after just a few days.
Pigmentation Pricing
Face & Neck
Upper Body
Lower Body
Frequently Asked Questions
You will expect to see an improvement after your first treatment. The pigmented area will gradually reduce and after completing treatment course, you will expect to see at least a 70-80% reduction for the treated pigmentation.
Depending on the type and depth of the pigmentation, we recommend 3-6 treatments done at monthly intervals for optimal results. At your consultation, your Skin Therapist will tailor a treatment plan suitable for your skin goals.
This treatment is not suitable for pregnant individuals. For breastfeeding clients, we recommend you seek medical clearance prior to proceeding with the treatment.
There is minimal downtime with this treatment and side effects may include redness, swelling and sensitivity. These side effects are temporary and will subside with correct aftercare. You can expect peeling and darkening of the treated pigmentation around 3-5 days after the treatment. This usually lasts 7-10 days. We recommend following the aftercare procedures provided by your Skin Therapist.
Certain medications can cause the skin to be photosensitive. To avoid adverse reactions from occurring, we advise you to seek medical clearance from your GP prior to proceeding with the treatment.
Pigmentation Removal is suitable for individuals with fair to light skin tones (Fitzpatrick 1-2) and who are not prone to hyperpigmentation.
Why choose us
Advanced Technology
التكنولوجيا المتقدمة
Using advanced technology and high-performance cosmeceutical skincare products our team highly-skilled team of Therapists is experienced in delivering best-in-class results.
باستخدام التكنولوجيا المتقدمة ومنتجات العناية بالبشرة التجميلية عالية الأداء ، يتمتع فريقنا ذو المهارات العالية من المعالجين بالخبرة في تقديم أفضل النتائج في فئتها
Experienced Team
فريق من ذوي الخبرة
Our highly-skilled and experienced team of Therapists are trained in the latest technology and operate the safest machinery.
تم تدريب فريق المعالجين لدينا من ذوي المهارات العالية والخبرة على أحدث التقنيات وتشغيل أكثر الآلات أمانًا
Best Results
أفضل النتائج